Medication that prevents blood clots by reducing the ‘stickiness’ of platelets, small particles which circulate in your blood stream and are responsible for clotting. Heart attacks occur due to a fatty plaque build-up in the arteries, if one of the plaques ruptures platelets are activated to clot around the rupture and form a blood clot. This can block the artery and stops blood reaching part of the heart.
Usually, it is recommended that you take low dose aspirin if you have had stent treatment. If you are allergic to aspirin you are more likely to be given antiplatelet medicines. Usually, treatment starts immediately after a heart attack. It is recommended that you take low dose aspirin indefinitely. Antiplatelet medicine can be between 1 and 12 months depending upon the type of heart attack and treatment you received. It is important you do not suddenly stop taking aspirin, this can increase your chances of another heart attack.
Side Effects:
Tend to include bruising/ bleeding, breathlessness, abdominal pain, heartburn, nosebleeds and diarrhoea.