Incorporates the traditional healthy living habits of people living in countries which border the Mediterranean sea including France, Greece, Italy and Spain. The diet tends to be high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, fish and unsaturated fats. It tends to be lower in meat and dairy. To make your diet more Mediterranean you can eat lots of fruit and veg, eat less meat, include fish in your diet, eat whole grain pasta and bread and choose products made from vegetable and plant oils.
This diet will help keep your heart healthy. Instead of relying on meat as the main part of your meal and main sauce of protein there is more of a focus on wholegrain foods, vegetables, fish and beans to gain the protein that you need. It also helps you cut down on foods which have a lot of saturated fats.
It has been linked with good health and a healthier heart and research has shown it reduces risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension and raised cholesterol which as you now know are risk factors for heart disease. The research also showed that people who follow this diet are more likely to live longer and less likely to become obese than people who don’t. For anyone who has already had a heart attack, this diet reduces the risk of having another heart attack. This tends to be the most popular diet which I have tried to simplify for you.