ARB’s are used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure, they can also be used for chronic kidney disease and are prescribed after a heart attack. ARB’s work by reducing the action of a hormone called angiotensin II which has a constricting effect on blood vessels and so increases blood pressure. It also stimulates salt and water retention which also increases blood pressure. ARB’s block the receptors angiotensin II works in which will prevents damage to the heart and kidneys and lowers blood pressure putting less strain on your heart.
According to the BHF clinical trials are showing ARB’s lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes, slow down kidney damage and reduce hospital admissions and increase life expectancy in patients with heart failure. This medication is taken for life. If the medication is stopped, blood pressure will rise.
Side Effects:
Tend to be rare but can include dizziness, headaches and fatigue which can improve after a few days. Once you have started taking ARB’s you will need a blood tests to check your kidney function to ensure the ARB’s aren’t affecting your kidney function.